“It allowed us to develop a new state of the art DIW printer able to print High solid-content metallic inks and open the way to plenty of new applications for additive manufacturing”, explains Dr. Laura Calvo, Researcher at CIM UPC.
CIM UPC is Task leader in WP3 and supporting staff of WP6 in the FENIX project. Firstly, CIM UPC is supporting the practical implementation of the FENIX small-scaled circular economy through the development, testing and optimization of an additive manufacturing pilot. Secondly, CIM UPC will support the technological validation of the networked pilots developed in the FENIX project.
CIM UPC is a reference for technology in industry, especially among manufacturing companies that develop products. For more than 20 years this technology institute belonging to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) has been leading support for the technological renewal of Catalan industry in order to improve its competitiveness. It has highly qualified staff and a wide range of digital manufacturing equipment on its facilities of over 1,500 m2 on Barcelona. CIM UPC also offers leadership in Catalonia in technology transfer to professionals and companies, a key aspect of its mission together with teaching and research, in a context in which the new paradigm of Industry 4.0 needs immediate and efficient answers to boost the country’s industrial environment. Its potential of additive manufacturing is key to this paradigm. CIM R+D+I area is focused on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and specialized in different fields such as engineering, industrial, biomedical, mechanical, design, additive manufacturing, electronics. CIM UPC is constantly cooperating with other research centres and universities through different R+D+I projects. As an active member of several R+D+I European, national and regional platforms (EFFRA, AM Platform, MANUKET, SIF or XaRTAP) CIM has developed products and technological processes, executed by a highly-qualified staff and using a wide range of material in the fields of 3D Printing and Advanced Manufacturing.